Saturday 27 August 2011

web development softwares

why to web development??

I know that some of them will question that why is it so important to have website and can it make any difference to them, the answer is "yes".Website is very important for our business,company etc for telling to worldwide users about you and your business and what type of service we can provide by you to attract users and clients for business or other means.

revolutionary stats of website

The stats I am going to tell you that make you shock but It is absolutely right that every company who started online marketing has revenue of 89% is only from online business and other 11% is from manual business method.So, stats makes you understand about the importance of website, career in web development is might be very good option.


Tools for web development are present in large number, its up to you that what you choose and which tool makes you comfortable for developing website. They are categories in two ways :-

# paid - This tools is only for those user who goes for comfort but not for money.But let me remind you that working of tools remains the same whether you go for paid or free.
1. Dreamweaver. ( Download Now)
2. Webplus X4. (Download Now)
3. Visual site designer. (Download Now)

# free - This tools basically for those who want to go for free tools like me :) , or just that you are cleaver enough than take trial of paid tools , it gives you enough time to develop a website through paid tool.

1. Notepad(my favorite). (Download Now)
2. Netbeans. (Download Now)
3. Blue voda. (Download Now)


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